Sun Smart
Now that the warmer weather is returning, this also means the return of higher UV rays. Please ensure your child has their hat with them each day so they can enjoy the full benefit of outdoor play.
Messy Play
For the uninitiated, messy-play (or sensory play to give it its official title) is much prefered by educators as a learning tool, because of the varied opportunities it provides children. Children are active learners – they need hands on activities which involve exploring and discovering. In this way they learn to make sense of the world around them. Babies and toddlers will enjoy finding out the textures, smells and properties of different materials. Older children will move to solving problems and making choices in their play. They need to make a mess more than you might think. As educators plan for or use spontaneous messy play experiences we would appreciate if you can pack a bag each day that includes a few changes of clothes.
What to bring on your child’s First day.
- Sun hat for Summer and Beanie and Jacket for Winter
- Two full sets of clothing including socks
- Extra undies/jocks/training pants for children toilet training
- Enclosed Shoes (Thongs are not recommended for Childcare)
- Comfort Items if required (small teddy, dummy etc.) (Dummy’s must have the cap on or must be in a container )
- Bottles and formula (Must have lids on)
- Drink bottle
All items must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
It is also recommended not to bring toy’s from home as the centre has ample resources for the children to make use of.
Important links