Learning through play is a vital part of our curriculum. Play is an integral part of a child’s growth. It has many benefits. Children learn, think, imagine, make up stories and communicate with each other and the world around them through play.
Our Reggio Emilia and Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) inspired approach to learning:
Our curriculum has been influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education and is developed in accordance with the government’s Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF): Belonging, Being and Becoming. Both are a child-centered approach to learning and value the child as capable and rich with knowledge.
We believe that the first place of learning for all children is their home. That is why we value you as the first teacher of your child and build on that learning and learn from you in helping raise your child.
Our team of professional and dedicated educators has developed programs that provide a balance of both structured and unstructured learning based on a curriculum that revolves around the interests of each child.
Our programs are especially developed for group and individual, one-on-one learning activities so that our children learn to be able to work and play in cooperative group settings as well as on their own.
For more about the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education, please visit: https://www.reggioaustralia.org.au
Our highly trained and dedicated educators prepare programs based on the needs of individual children and the following principles:
- Children are capable of instructing their own learning, and they are driven by their own interests
- Children form an understanding of themselves and their place in the world through their social interaction with others
- Children discover and communicate and learn through play with sounds and rhythm and rhymes. It is a way for them to discover, to ask questions and learn to use language and to investigate and explore
- The environment is recognised for its potential to inspire children, and they learn best in an environment filled with natural light, order and beauty and open spaces free from clutter
- The adult is a mentor and a guide
- Children’s learning outcomes should be documented and displayed in different ways to show their progression and their learning
- A child’s hundred different ways of thinking and learning are valued and nurtured. Children use many different ways of learning, through thinking, through discovering, through drawing and sculpting, through dance and movement, through painting and imaginary play, through music and modelling.